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how to calculate gpaThe New Pass Mark in the Nigerian Universities
The New National Universities Commission (NUC) Benchmarks:

1. The new pass mark for all courses in all the Universities in Nigeria is 45% according to the new NUC benchmark on minimum academic standards in Nigerian Universities.

2. The new pass grade now in view of the above becomes “D” or 45% and above instead of the previous “E”. Therefore wherever the former pass mark of 40% or E is used herein should be read to mean 45% or D.

3. With effect from the 2013/2014 Academic session, Pass degree will be abolished in the University of Nigeria in accordance with the decision of the NUC. This means that students that was admitted from the year 2012 backward (i.e. 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, …, to when the world began) will not be affected by this new change.

4. Also further new changes in line with the NUC benchmarks are in the process of being passed into law by the Senate of the University of Nigeria and other Nigerian Universities. These changes will be reflected in the subsequent editions of the academic regulations once they are passed into law by the Senate.

The above benchmark/decree due confused students especially item 2 because some students will say that school are no longer making use of E grade while other will say that it is the D grade they remove. Below is the explanation of what it means.

1. Universities Grading System

Prior to the benchmark here is the value/range of each letter grade in Nigerian Universities.

The Old Grading System Table
Percentage ScoreLetter GradePointsRating/Remark
70 – 100A5Excellent
60 – 69B4Very Good
50 – 59C3Good
45 – 49D2Fair
*40 – 44E1Pass
0 – 30F 0Fail
* In line with the new NUC benchmark “E” is longer the pass score/mark

And now here is the change and a student’s work(s) in the University is presently graded in the following letters and each of the letters carries an equivalent number of points, thus:

The New Grading System Table
Percentage ScoresLetter GradesPointsRating/Remark
70 – 100A5Excellent
60 – 69B4Very Good
50 – 59C3Good
*45 – 49D2Pass
0 – 44F0Fail
*45% is now the new minimum pass score. So therefore the minimum passing grade for all courses, including electives and General Studies shall be ‘D’. However all examples here will be based on the new change (benchmark).

The Grade Point Average
At the end of each semester, a student’s grade point average is worked out using the above grading system. Supposing the student offers the following courses in his/her first semester:

Course codeTitle of CourseCredit Unit
GSP 101The Use of English I2
GSP 111Use of Library2
GSP 105Natural Science I2
GSP 201Social Sciences I2
COS 101Introduction to Computer Science2
STA 131Inference I2
MTH 221Real Analysis I3
                                     Total Credit Units15

Assuming that the student obtains C, A, D, A, D, B and C respectively in the courses, corresponding to the following grade points respectively 3, 5, 2, 5, 2, 4, and . Use the new grading system, the total point of each of the courses will be worked out as follows:

The credit unit of each course is multiply with the grade point corresponding to the letter grade of the course in concerned i.e. Total Point of a course = credit unit of the course times Grade point of the course, and do the same for all other courses thus:

First Semester GPA Calculation Table

Course CodeCredit UnitLetter GradePoints GradeCredit x PointsTotal Points
GSP 1012C32 x 36
GSP 1112A52 x 510
GSP 1052D22 x 24
GSP 2012A52 x 510
COS 1012D22 x 24
STA 1312B42 x 48
MTH 2213C33 x 39

Total Points51

To calculate the grade point average, the total number of points, 51, is divided by the total number of credit units 15. Noting that, there is no room for approximation in calculation of GPA thus;
First Semester GPA = Total points/Total Credit Units = 51/15 = 3.4

Second Semester GPA Calculation
Supposing the student offers the following courses in his/her second semester:

Course codeTitle of CourseCredit Unit
CHM 112Basic Principles of Physical Chemistry2
GSP 208Humanities II2
GSP 106Natural Science II2
GSP 202Social Sciences II2
BIO 152General Biology II3
PHY 196Practical Physical III2
GLG 142Earth’s History3
                                        Total Credit Units16

And the student obtains the following grades A, A, C, F, D, D and B on the courses respectively. Then the students second semester GPA will be shown on the table below.

Course CodeCredit UnitLetter GradePoints GradeCredit x PointsTotal Points
CHM 1122A52 x 510
GSP 2082A52 x 510
GSP 1062C32 x 36
GSP 2022F02 x 00
BIO 1523D23 x 26
PHY 1962D22 x 24
GLG 1423B43 x 412

Total Points48

Second Semester GPA = Total points/Total Credit Units = 48/16 = 3.0 = 3.0.

A cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is the sum of first semester and second semester GPA divide by two (2); that is the two semesters, which is the total number of semester in a particular year of study. Thus the student’s first year GPA is calculated as follows:

First Year:
CGPA = First semester GPA + Second semester GPA / 2 = (3.4 + 3.0)/2 = 6.4 / 2 = 3.2.
First Year CGPA = 3.2 (2nd Class Honours Lower (2/2)).

A student who runs a four years programme, his/her final year result will be calculated as follow:
FCGPA = Total sum of all the CGPA/Number of years of the programme.

If such the student got the following CGPA during her study:
First Year CGPA = 3.2
Second Year CPGA = 2.95,
Third Year CGPA = 4.40 and
Fourth Year = 3.84 then

FCGPA = (1st Year CGPA + 2nd Year CGPA + 3rd Year CGPA + 4th Year CGPA) / 4 Years.
So that

FCGPA = (3.2 + 2.95 + 4.40 + 3.84) / 4 = 14.39 / 4 = 3.5975 =  
3.59 (2nd Class Honours Upper (2/1)).
Remember, we don’t approximate in calculation of GPA.

2. Polytechnics Grading System

The calculation of GPA in Nigeria polytechnics follows the same method with that of Nigerian Universities. However Nigerian polytechnics make use of the following grading system in calculation of GPA and the awarding of Ordinary National Diploma (OND) and Higher National Diploma (HND):

How to calculate GPAPolytechnics Grading System Table
Mark (%)Letter GradeGrade PointFINAL CGPAClass of Degrees
100 - 80A4.003.50 – 4.00Distinction
79 - 70AB3.503.00 – 3.49Upper Credit
69 - 60B3.002.50 – 2.99Lower Credit
59 - 50BC2.502.00 – 2.49Pass
49 - 40C2.000.00 – 1.99Fail
39 - 0E00.00

First Semester OND1 GPA Calculation:
In the polytechnic if a student offers the following courses and obtains a score that corresponds to the following letter grades that lead to the distribution on the tables below. Bearing in mind that we don’t approximate GPA then such student will calculate his/her GPA as follows:

Course CodeCredit UnitLetter GradePoints GradeCredit x PointsTotal Points
GSP 1012C2.002 x 2.004.00
GSP 1112A4.002 x 4.008.00
GSP 1052C2.002 x 2.004.00
GSP 2012AB3.502 x 3.506.50
COS 1012BC2.502 x 2.504.50
STA 1312B3.002 x 3.006.00
MTH 2213C2.003 x 2.006.00
Total Credit Units 15

Total Points39.00

First Semester OND1:
GPA = Total points/Total Credit Units = 39.00/15 = 2.6.
Therefore his/her first semester ND1 GPA = 2.6.

First Semester OND1 GPA Calculation/Computation Table:

Course CodeCredit UnitLetter GradePoints GradeCredit x PointsTotal Points
CHM 1122A4.002 x 4.008.00
GSP 2082E0.002 x 0.000.00
GSP 1062C2.002 x 2.004.00
GSP 2022C2.002 x 2.004.00
BIO 1523B3.003 x 3.009.00
PHY 1962BC2.502 x 2.504.50
GLG 1423C2.003 x 2.006.00
Total Credit Units 16

Total Points35.5

Second Semester GPA = Total points/Total Credit Units = 35.50/16 = 2.21875= 2.21.
Therefore his/her second semester ND1 GPA = 2.21.

To calculate here cumulative grade point average (CGPA) for ND1 (first year), such student add his/her ND1 first semester and second semester GPA and divide the result so obtain by two (2), i.e. the number of semester.

Here is the working:
The student’s OND1 CGPA = (First Semester ND1 GPA + Second semester ND1 GPA) / 2 = (2.6 + 2.21) / 2.

CGPA = 4.81 / 2 = 2.405 = 2.40 

The finale CGPA = (OND1 + OND2) / 2 = (2.40 + 3.45) / 2 = 5.85 / 2 = 2.925 = 2.92.
FCGPA = 2.92.


  1. Please help my school is not following the NUC benchmark for calculating CGPA.

    1. Jennifer the method illustrated here is based on NUC benchmark for calculating CGPA for Nigerian Universities... For some other university here Nigeria it may be different. And the best method to know how your school compute CGPA for here students is for you to meet your exam officer, if however you people dont have accademic handbook.

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  2. Is there any penalty for any institution that is not following the NUC standard for calculating CGPA?

    1. If there is, You (i.e the students) are not the ones to suffer the consquences but the institution. Because you are not the one computing your CGPA. You are computing your CGPA in other to know where you are.

      What is the name of your school?

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  4. Pls when one change course why its that his previous years grade will not be included and still his new grade will be short cut?

  5. Please what will be the class of degree for cgpa of 3.71 for post graduate diploma in education in 2018. Is it distraction, upper credit or lower credit?

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  7. Pls how do we go about carry-overs courses

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  9. It seems the grading system varies between polytechnics. For instance, some polytechnics see 40 as C yet others take 40 as E.

    Which should be seen as standard grading system for polytechnics?

  10. What category does 3.37 CGPA falls?

  11. Let's say you got 2.78 as your total CGPA in your ND level, what class is that?

  12. 2.92 is it pass, lower credit, upper credit or distinction

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  14. Great explanation! Calculating your CGPA is crucial to understanding your academic performance. The breakdown here makes it easy to follow. For anyone looking for a simpler, automated way to calculate CGPA or track it across semesters, check out It handles all the math for you and gives quick, accurate results. Avoid the hassle and see how your grades add up!


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