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Write an algorithm that will request for an integer number n, afterward it will request for n score xi and it will calculate and display the statistics:
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3

Case 1.
1. Reqeust n
2. Deteremine sumSquare
    2.1 count = 1
    2.2 sumSquare = 0
    2.3 count = count + 1
    2.4 Request Xi
    2.5 sumSquare = sumSquare + (Xi * Xi)
    2.6 Repeat 2.3 to 2.5 until count <= n
3. Display sumSquare

Case 2
1. Request n
2. Calculate squareSum
    2.1 count = 1
    2.2 sum = 0
    2.3 squareSum = 0
    2.4 count = count + 1
    2.5 Request Xi
    2.6 sum = sum + Xi
    2.7 Repeat 2.4 to 2.6 until count <= n
    2.8 squareSum = squareSum + (sum * sum)
3. Display squareSum

Case 3
1 Request n
2. Deteremine variance
   2.1 count = 1
   2.2 sum = 0
   2.3 sumSquare = 0
   2.4 squareSum = 0
   2.5 variance = 0
   2.6 count = count + 1
   2.7 Request Xi
   2.8 sumSquare = sumSquare + (Xi * Xi)
   2.9 sum = sum + Xi
   3.0 Repeat 2.6 - 2.8 until count = n
   3.1 squareSum = squareSum + (sum * sum)
   3.2 variance = (sumSquare - squareSum) / (n - 1)
4. Display variance

All this should be familiar to you by now, if not you need to study other examples.
Notice that in cases 1 and 2 above that we picked lines 2.2, 2.5 and 2.2, 2.3, 2.6, 2.8 respectively and drop it in case 3. In other words line 3.2 of case 3 is just case 1 minus case 2 divide by n - 1. Therefore case 3 combined the functions of cases 1 and 2 and extra function in line 3.2.



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