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An astronomer on earth observed that an airplane in the sky is moving at a relativistic speed of 0.85c. If you are working with this astronomer perhaps his/her student, write an algorithm that will help him/her to determine the relativistic mass of the airplane. The algorithm will request for the relativistic speed and the rest mass of the airplane and then calculate the binding or total energy if the airplane was a radioactive element or a relativistic particle, Assume the rest mass of the airplane = 5000kg?
A relativistic speed is a speed comparable to that of light. The relativistic mass of a body moving with relativistic speed is given by:
c is the speed of light,
v is the speed of any particle approaching or comparable to that of light.
The quantity c^2/v^2 is calculated in this form:
The total/binding energy is given by: E = mc^2.
Now it is time to write the algorithm:
1.1 Request restMass
1.2 Request relSpeed
2.1 LorentzFact = 1/Sqrt((1) - (relSpeed * relSpeed))
2.2 relMass = restMass/LorentzFact
2.3 c = 3 * 10^8.
2.4 Total_E = relMass * (c * c)
3.1 Display relMass, Total_E

This calculates the Relativistic mass, and energy of the airplane, or any other particle when given its rest mass and relativistic speed.
Line 2.2 can be written like this: relMass = 5000/LorentzFact.
Learning how to translate all the algorithm you have leaned so for into a computer programme here.

OR go through the examples again.


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