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University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Department of Statistics
Fourth Year
First Semester
Major Courses
STA        413         Stochastic Processes I | Unit=2
STA        415         Times Series Analysis I | Unit=2
STA        421         Design and Analysis of Experiments I | Unit=2
STA        423         Regression Analysis II | Unit=2
General Studies Courses
CED        341         Introduction to Entrepreneurship I | Unit=2
Choose any Combination of 6 units from the Electives

Second Semester
Major Courses
STA        414         Stochastic Processes II | Unit=2
STA        416         Time Series Analysis II | Unit=2
STA        422         Design and Analysis of Experiments II | Unit=2
STA        491         Project | Unit=6
General Studies Courses
CED        342         Introduction to Entrepreneurship II | Unit=2
Choose any combination of 6 units from the Electives
Total Unit: 20

Electives First semester
STA        411         Probability VII | Unit=2
STA        426         Biometrics III | Unit=2
STA        431         Bayesian Inference I | Unit=2
STA        432         Non-Parametric Methods I | Unit=2
STA        433         Multivariate Analysis | Unit=2
STA        441         Sampling Theory and Survey Methods III | Unit=2
STA        461         Operation Research III | Unit=2
STA        462         Decision Theory I | Unit=2

Electives Second Semester
STA        416         Probability VIII | Unit=2
STA        427         Biometrics IV | Unit=2
STA        435         Bayesian Inference II | Unit=2
STA        438         Non-Parametric Methods II | Unit=2
STA        437         Multivariate Analysis II | Unit=2
STA        438         Psychometrics II | Unit=2
STA        442         Sampling Theory and Survey Methods IV | Unit=2
STA        463         Operation Research IV | Unit=2
STA        465         Laboratory for Operations Research II | Unit=2
Total Units: 
click here to see the course outline


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