Department of Statistics
Third Year
Major Courses
STA 321 Distribution
Theory | Unit=2
STA 322 Regression
Analysis I | Unit=2
STA 341 Sampling
Theory and Survey Methods I | Unit=2
STA 361 Algebraic
Basis for Statistics | Unit=2
MTH 321 Metric
Space Topology | Unit=3
Choose Any 4 units from Electives
Total Units:
click here to see the course outline
click here to see the course outline
Major Courses
STA 333 Laboratory for Inference III |
STA 342 Sampling Theory and Survey Methods II
| Unit=2
STA 343 Laboratory Field Work for Sampling
Theory and Survey Methods I | Unit=2
STA 323 Analysis of Variance I | Unit=3
Choose any of
combination of 4 units from the Electives:
Electives for first and second Semester
STA 324 Biometrics I | Unit=2
STA 325 Biometrics II | Unit=2
STA 344 Statistical Quality Control I |
STA 345 Statistical Quality Control II |
STA 346 Laboratory and Field Work for Quality
Control | Unit=2
STA 351 Demography I | Unit=2
STA 352 Demography II | Unit=2
STA 353 Laboratory and Field Work for
Demography | Unit=2
STA 362 Operations Research I | Unit=2
STA 363 Operation Research II | Unit=2
STA 364 Laboratory for Operations Research I
| Unit=2
MTH 325 Partial Differential Equation I
| Unit=2
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