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University of Nigeria, Nsukka 
Department of Computer Science
First Year
First Semester
Major Courses
COS        101         Introduction to Computer Science. | Unit=2
Required Ancillary Courses
MTH      111         Elementary Mathematics I. | Unit=3
MTH      121         Elementary Mathematics II | Unit=3
PHY        115         General Physics for Physical Sciences I. | Unit=2
PHY        191         Practical Physics I. | Unit=2
GSP        101         Use of English I. | Unit=2
GSP        111         Use of Library | Unit=2
Electives: Choose one course from the following
BIO         151         General Biology I. | Unit=3
CHM      101         Basic Principle of Chemistry I | Unit=2
ENGR    101         Introduction to Engineering | Unit=2
STA        111         Probability I | Unit=2
STA        131         Inference I | Unit=2
Total Units = 18/19

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Second Semester
Major Courses
COS        102         Introduction to Computer Systems | Unit=2
COS        104         Computing Practice | Unit=2
Required Ancillary Courses
MTH      122         Elementary Mathematics II | Unit=3
PHY        116         General Physics for Physical Sciences II | Unit=2
PHY        118         General Physics for Physical Sciences III | Unit=2
GSP        102         Use of English II | Unit=2
Electives: Choose 3 or 4 units from the following
BIO         152         General Biology II | Unit=3
CHM      111         Basic Principles of Chemistry II | Unit=2
ENGR    102         Applied Mechanics | Unit=3
MTH      131         Elementary Mechanics I | Unit=3
STA        112         Probability II | Unit=2
STA        132         Inference II | Unit=2
STA        172         Laboratory for Inference I | Unit=2
Total Units: 16/17
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