Department of Statistics
First Year
Major Courses
STA 111 Probability
I | Unit=2
STA 131 Inference
I | Unit=2
Required Ancillary Courses
MTH 111 Elementary
Mathematics I | Unit=3
MTH 121 Elementary
Mathematics II | Unit=3
General Studies Courses
GSP 101 Use
of English I | Unit=2
GSP 111 Use
of Library | Unit=2
Electives: Choose any combination of 4 units
from the following:
MTH 131 Elementary Mechanics I | Unit=3
PHY 115 General
Physics for Physical Sciences I | Unit=2
PHY 191 Practical
Physics I | Unit=2
CHM 101 Basic Principle of Chemistry I |
CHM 171 Practical Chemistry | Unit=2
ECON 101 Principles of Economics I |
BIO 151 General Biology I | Unit=3
AG 201 Introduction to Economics I |
Second Semester
Major Courses
STA 112 Probability
II | Unit=2
STA 132 Inference II | Unit=2
STA 172 Statistical Computing I | Unit=2
Required Ancillary Courses
MTH 122 Elementary
Mathematics III | Unit=3
General studies courses
GSP 102 Use
of English II | Unit=2
Electives: Choose any combination of 6 units
from the following:
PHY 116 General
Physics for Physical Sciences II | Unit=2
PHY 118 General
Physics for Physical Sciences III | Unit=2
CHM 112 Basic Principles of Chemistry II
| Unit=2
CHM 122 Basic Principles of Chemistry III
| Unit=2
ECONS 102 Principles of Economics II | Unit=2
BIO 152 General Biology II | Unit=2
GLG 103 Basic and Applied Geology for Environmental
and Physical Sciences | Unit=3
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