Department of Geology
Fourth Year
First Semester
Major Courses
GLG 411 Petrology
of Metamorphic Rocks | Unit=2
GLG 461 Economics Geology | Unit=3
GLG 433 Regional Geology | Unit=2
GLG 443 Introduction to Palynology | Unit=2
GLG 431 Sequence Stratigraphy | Unit=2
GLG 453 Petrophysics I | Unit=2
GLG 465 Environmental Geology and Waste
Management | Unit=2
Electives: Optional
STA 341 Sampling Theory and Survey Methods |
CVE 221 Fluid Mechanics | Unit=3
PHY 351 Electronics | Unit=2
Second Semester
Major Courses
GLG 492 Students Industrial Work Experience
(SIWES) | Unit=8
GLG 494 SIWES Technical Report | Unit=4
GLG 496 SIWES Seminar | Unit=3
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