Department of Physics and Astronomy
Second Year
Second Year
First Semester
Major Courses
PHY 211 Structure
of Matter | Unit=3
PHY 221 Mechanics
| Unit=2
PHY 241 Waves
| Unit=3
PHY 251 Electromagnetism
| Unit=2
Required Ancillary Courses
MTH 207 Advanced
Mathematics VII | Unit=2
General Studies Courses
GSP 201 Social
Sciences I | Unit=2
GSP 207 Humanities
I | Unit=2
Second Semester
Major Courses
PHY 242 Physical
Optics | Unit=2
PHY 262 Introduction
to atomic and Nuclear Physics | Unit=3
PHY 292 Practical
Physics IV | Unit=2
Required Ancillary Courses
MTH 206 Advanced
Mathematics VI | Unit=2
MTH 208 Advanced
Mathematics VIII | Unit=2
General Studies Courses
GSP 202 Social
Sciences II | Unit=2
GSP 208 Humanities
II | Unit=2
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