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University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Department of Geology/Physics
Second Year
First Semester
Major Courses
GLG       211         Crystallography and Mineralogy | Unit=2
GLG       251         Field Geology | Unit=2
PHY        211         Structure of Matter | Unit=3
PHY        251         Electromagnetism | Unit=2
Required Ancillary Courses
STA        Statistics for Physical Sciences and Engineering I | Unit=2
MTH      205         Advanced Mathematics VI | Unit=2
General Studies Courses
GSP        201         Social Sciences I                | Unit=2
GSP        207         Humanities I | Unit=2
Electives: Choose any one course from the following
FRE         101         Elementary French I | Units=2
GER        101         Elementary German I | Units=2
RUS        101         Elementary Russian I | Units=2

Second Year
First Semester
Major Courses
GLG       214         Introduction to Petrology of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks | Unit=2
GLG       222         Structural Geology/Map Interpretation | Unit=2
PHY        242         Physical Optics | Unit=2
PHY        262         Introduction to atomic and Nuclear Physics | Unit=3
Required Ancillary Courses
MTH      204         Advanced Mathematics V | Unit=2
STA        206         Statistics for Physical Sciences and Engineering II | Unit=2
General Studies Courses
GSP        202         Social Sciences II | Unit=2
GSP        208         Humanities II | Unit=2
Electives: Choose any one course from the following
FRE         102         Elementary French II | Units=2
GER        102         Elementary German II | Units=2
RUS        102         Elementary Russian II | Units=2
MTH      206         Advanced Mathematics VII | Unit=2
CHM      274         Practical Chemistry | Unit=2


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